Frequently asked questions

Opening hours

For an up-to-date overview of the opening hours, click here. This page also lists the special opening hours during the holidays.
The regular opening hours of Markthal are Monday to Thursday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Different opening hours will be applied on public holidays. Also at events there can be deviations from the regular opening hours.
The restaurants in the plinths (side walls) of the Markthal and Albert Heijn on level -1 have different opening times. View the opening hours of the Restaurants per entrepreneur under Market & Restaurants in the Markthal.

The parking garage is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. The garage also remains accessible to pedestrians via the 24-hour entrance and exit when the Markthal closes. This entrance is located in the middle of the long side of the Markthal on the Grotemarkt.


 Ds. Jan Scharpstraat 298, 3011 GZ ROTTERDAM









Parking garage under Markthal

The parking garage under the Markthal is managed by the company Interparking. For all information about this car park, such as rates, entry height, number of charging points, etc., we refer you to the Interparking website:
The parking spaces around the Markthal are managed by the municipality. This is therefore subject to the conditions laid down by the municipality of Rotterdam.
Check the website of the municipality for further information:








Follow the signs to the parking garage Interparking Markthal and take the Ds exit. Jan Scharpstraat from the Blaak. The parking garage is easily accessible from both directions. The headroom is a maximum of 2.05 meters. The address is Dominee Jan Scharpstraat 306.









The following applies in Rotterdam:

You do not have to pay to use the general parking spaces for disabled people if you place your valid parking card for disabled people clearly visible behind the windscreen.
You cannot use the parking card for disabled people at regular parking places where paid parking applies. You owe parking fees here, even when the general parking space for disabled people is occupied. This also applies to vehicles for disabled people.
Interparking only offers regular paid parking places for everyone. We do try to create enough places that allow visitors in possession of an invalid card to park comfortably (Spacious places, close to the entrance and exit).
For more information about parking in Rotterdam, see:









 There is a large sunken bicycle shed between Blaak station and Markthal.







 Markthal is right next to Blaak railway station. It can also be reached by tram, metro and bus.








Visitors in wheelchairs can easily access the Markthal floor by means of the revolving doors or middle sliding doors. Through the parking garage they can reach the exhibition floor by elevator. Many catering establishments with an upper floor are accessible for visitors in wheelchairs from their balconies. The lift takes you to the 1st floor. Here you will also find the toilets. Unfortunately, the terraces on the stalls are not accessible because they only have a staircase available.










Yes, the lifts which serve levels -4 to 1 are accessible by wheelchair, so the market floor is easily accessible
from the car park. Also from streetlevel you can enter Markthal with a wheelchair and use the elevators. These lifts also provide access to the various floors of the ‘Tijdtrap’ exhibition.








Yes, there is an accessible toilet for on level -1. For more information, please see the commercial site of Vendor Washrooms.










 Yes, wheelchairs are available. If required, please report to the office of the Management/Security above unit 124.






 Yes, but they must be kept on a leash, and are the responsibility of the person controlling them.








No, just like an outdoor market or shopping mall, Markthal is free for everyone.








At the moment there are no gift vouchers available that can be redeemed at all (or a large part of) entrepreneurs in Markthal. It is possible that entrepreneurs themselves have a gift voucher available for their own company.







Unfortunately, there are no safes available in Markthal.







Yes, of course!

There are benches at the -1 level next to Albert Heijn and Gall & Gall. In addition, if a stall is temporarily empty, there may be benches present. This varies from day to day.









Ds. Jan Scharpstraat 298, 3011 GZ ROTTERDAM



 Definitely! Please subscribe on home page of



Yes, but they must be kept on a leash, and are the responsibility of the person controlling them.


No, there are no meeting rooms for rent.
Various entrepeneurs do offer the possibility to organize meetings or events. For more information you can contact the entrepreneurs directly